I think of this style as more "Hoppy Brown" than IPA. The brown ale is foremost, with toasty malts up front, that finishes with some hop flavor and aroma. I'm not going for a hop bomb here, but a balanced brown ale with some extra dimensions of flavor.
2019-6-15 (+18): After having time to fully carbonate and settle a bit, the Hoppy Brown is mostly clear and tasting exactly how I wanted: it's a brown first, with plenty of dark toasty malt and molasses flavors without being overly sweet. On top of that is an unmistakable woody/herbal hop presence from the Nugget and Simcoe. I have really been enjoying Nugget in darker beers, specifically an American Stout brewed about a year ago. Ever since that brew I've been using Nugget almost exclusively in various stouts and browns.
Full recipe is on BrewersFriend but here's the TL;DR:
- Brewday: 2019-5-18
- Malts: Proximity Pale from CO, English Brown, Pale Chocolate, and Honey
- Hops: [Nugget] (Nugget/Cascade) {Nugget/Simcoe}
- Yeast: Generation 2 S-04
- OG: 15.6°P (72% efficiency), FG: 3.3°P, ABV 6.7%
- Kegged: 2019-5-29
Getting the party started. Water heating to mash temp
This is for MURICA day, 7/4, and I typically try to use all American ingredients for everything on the taplist. This has base malt from CO, but the rest is from England (brown) and Canada (honey). But MOST of it is from USA so...
Into the butthole of doom (AKA mill rollers)
Floor Manager Steve during an inspection
Brewday brew: SPARKLES!
Mash temp
Hops: Nugget (top) for FWH, Nugget/Cascade (big cup) for late addition/flameout
Wort sample
Brix OG: 15.6°P / 72% efficiency
Away we go - in the fermenter with some generation 2 (has done 1 previous batch) S-04 yeast slurry
Happy fermentation about 8hrs later
2019-5-24 (+6) dry-hops added. 168g Nugget/Simcoe
2019-5-29 (+11): Into the keg
hydrometer reading: a murky 1.013/14 (damn dry hops!) or ~3.4°P. Added gelatin to the keg, and put on 40psi for 20-24hrs tonight and we'll check on the carbonated beer tomorrow.
2019-5-30 (+12): Carbonated, murky pour after about 24hrs in the keg with gelatin
...and after about 3 pints of mud it's mostly clear!