BJCP Style: 3C - Czech Amber Lager
Since making a bunch of Czech beer last year I used up all my Saaz hops. This one uses Sterling as a substitute which is supposed to have a similar profile. Other than that it should be on-style for a Czech amber lager.
Full recipe is on BrewersFriend but here's the TL;DR
- Brew day: 2019-1-21
- Malts: Pils, Munich, crystal 120, chocolate
- Hops: [Magnum] (Sterling)
- Yeast: 3rd generation slurry of W34/70 (Weihenstephaner)
- OG: 11.8°P (1.048); FG: 2.2°P; ABV 5.1%
- Kegged: 2019-2-2
Grains crushed!
Mash temp
Mash complete - bag draining
Floor Manager Steve doing his thing
Hop weigh-in. Magnum for FWH, Sterling (on scale) for 5 minutes at end of boil
FWH in, heating up to boil
...and boil
Chiller in, and 3g/L (72g) Sterling hops
Into the fermenter
Wort sample. looks like an amber.
OG reading - somewhere between 11.8 and 12. Hit the expected efficiency of 70%.
And away we go!