
13B, 19C - AmerUKan Brown Ale

Style: 13B - British Brown Ale, 19C - American Brown Ale

Mostly a British brown with Maris Otter as the base malt, English Brown, Crystal 120 and Pale Chocolate malts, and a dry English yeast: SafAle S-04. Then for the American component I added ~3g/L of Simcoe in the late boil for some extra hop character.

Hopefully the extra dose of Simcoe won't be too much to push it into Brown IPA territory, but rather a gentle reminder that this has something extra over a standard British brown.

Full recipe is on BrewersFriend but here's the TL;DR:
  • Brew day: 2018-10-6
  • Malts: Maris Otter, Brown, C120, Pale Chocolate
  • Hops: [Magnum] (Simcoe)
  • Yeast: SafAle S-04
  • OG: 1.053, FG: 1.014, ABV: 5.1%
  • Kegged: 2018-10-17 (+11)
Grains ready for milling

Brewday beer: Berry Passion Berliner from 4 Noses. Not a big fruit beer fan but this is pretty decent. Nice amount of fruit and light tartness. Dry and low ABV.

Mash temp

Floor Manager Steve in his chair fort

Ready to chill

Wort sample

Don't leave the valve open on the Speidel when transferring in wort. Not the first time I've done it. Won't be the last.

2018-10-7 (+1) - Away we go... This is a pic from the next day. Lots of airlock activity.

2018-10-12 (+6) Need the big fermenter so transferring to 2ndary

2018-10-12 (+6) hanging out for another week before cold crash and keg

2018-10-16 (+10) - cold crash and gelatined

2018-10-17 (+11) - uncarbonated sample just after kegging. Already clear.

2018-10-18 (+12) - fully carbonated, clear, and tasting like a brown. Not getting much Simcoe; the malt takes over, but it's overall balanced and very drinkable.